Create-Learning led a 2-day corporate team development program for 70 team members. Below are photos from our time together. The program was held at a Corporate Conference Center that was accessible to the Buffalo NY and Rochester NY employees.

The quotes and italics are comments that the participants made about the program.

A piece of a large Corporate Personality Puzzle – I like the Buffalo and Rochester overlapping circles and the idea of collaboration amongst offices.

Much of the program focused on how individual strengths add to the team. Developing an understanding that Gen-Y, Gen-X, and baby boomer leaders are all necessary for the success of the organization

All group photo
here is a comment on the evaluation forms
“I totally enjoyed my experience with your group of trainers. Each of the exercises gave me insight on myself and how I perceive others and situations”

“It was alot of fun – even to challenge myself. I learned about my cohorts and working with different styles and gained new perspectives of each of us work and work together”

“I thought the ropes course was challenging + made me see things in a different light. I hope that this training will enable our office to interact more with Rochester and Buffalo”

The team is working together to aid in goal completion. Just because one is complete the task in not finished.


Partners sharing their experience as well as what they learned.


Outstanding thank you”








Exploration and understanding that we have to work as a team, be aware of who excels, who struggles and who never gave up!”

A great group and an amazing Corporate Program!



-Michael Cardus is the founder of Create-Learning