Team Communication and Collaboration
Team members need to receive the necessary information to complete their work effectively.
What is it?
An interactive workshop focused on developing internal communication processes with accountability and authority for communication, collaboration, and getting work done. Also, it is a process to shorten the time and frustration felt when gathering needed information and data to complete your work.
Why does it matter?
People on teams need to receive the information necessary to complete their work. They need to enhance their influence and persuasion skills internally within the team and externally reach out to other departments and managers who are necessary to complete the team’s goals successfully.
What are the areas of focus?
- Identify and apply the “5 Ways to Influence People.”
- Develop techniques to get the information you need from other people
How will you make progress?
- Gather information and resources from other team members, leading to the knowledge of what works within the team
- Internal team building – the team will be able to communicate more effectively.
- Identify obstacles, determine possible solutions, apply and test solutions, and share what was learned with the team.