training questions
image by JD Hancock

A question I don’t get asked enough is, “My manager and I are working together to figure out the best ways to use this training back in the office, do you have any advice?”

If you are a manager and you send people to training, it is your responsibility to work with the person and the team to determine what they learned, and how to best apply it. Part of the Managerial-Leadership role is coaching employees to see their work in the proper context.

What questions should a manager ask an employee after a training?

These are questions you can ask yourself if your manager chooses not to ask, or if you don’t have a manager. You can even discuss these questions with your team.

  1. The purpose of sending you to the training was (x), in what ways was (x) accomplished?
  2. What have you learned?
  3. How do you intend to apply it in your work? or in our work? What else? What else?
  4. What wider lessons did you pick up that may benefit the team, department, or company?
  5. Is the more training you need? What specifically?
  6. In what ways can I support you in applying what you learned?
  7. How can we measure the impact of this training on your current work?

If you answered the post-training questions above, share your responses in the comments section below.

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