Lean Six Sigma Team Development Mike Cardus

While talking with a group last week, I was asked how I plan team building and leadership programs.

Analog – on a chalk board in my office, following a discussion with the decision makers and stakeholders in the program spending on average 8-12 hours planning (depending on the length and objective of the program).

Recently I was invited by the Buffalo NY, ASQ (American Standard for Quality) to present a workshop at their conference in October of 2010 on Team Building (development) for 6 Sigma Projects.

Re-learning much of my green belt training and reading some great books on process management,  6 Sigma and Team Building. It has been FUN!

So the point of the picture is to plan without the computer – meaning that before you sit in front of and even turn on the computer list list your ideas on the black board. This method is very effective and very tactile (also experiential)

By writing your ideas on a large board and examining them from various perspectives you are able to create a neurological connection that makes the material come alive. Try this next time you are planning a project or a presentation. Instead of going right to power point or writing it in a document take about 2 to 4 hours and write it on a chalk board, white board, paper whatever you can find. This method of visually exploring it in a medium that is not digital will make you a better presenter and facilitator.

Also it will give your material the needed spark of life that make it interesting and compelling, so go analog on paper then if you need to transcribe it to the computer.