Occasionally I create a Team-Building program agenda that is good enough to share. Below is the Day-2 ‘Accountability & Authority Within Your Role as Managerial-Leader’ program for 4 months of work I lead with a Management Team. This was a continuous training & development process. Meant to be fun and informative, plus allow me to determine specific areas and strengths that I can offer to the Directors over the 4 months in coaching and consulting meetings.

Accountabilty and work complexity Create Learning Team Building and Leadership

This workshop will explore Accountability and application to the Matrix-based-Environment:
  • Creating a common definition of accountability;
  • Working to determine the separation of what the department supervisor, director, manager and team member is accountable for;
  • The needed co-dependency of accountability and authority of the various roles and tasks within work teams;
  • The relationship between the accountability & authority of a person’s role and current-actual-capability of the individual and the role;
  • Understanding that once accountability & authority of individuals and their role in the team is known trust is a natural consequence.
The materials will consist of content covering:
  • Learning about Stratified Systems Theory;
  • Discussing the various stratums within Departmental Leadership and determining matches to current-actual-capability;
  • Exploring how people (on different stratums) view work, problems, management and ambiguity;
  • Attempting to develop and match Task-Initiated-Role-Responsibilities within Department Project teams.
Learning Outcomes:
  • Shared understanding of what ‘accountability’ means.
  • Enabling all managerial-leaders to operate from common language and standards of practice.
  • Using Stratified Systems Theory to determine the best way to communicate and coordinate efforts / tasks through the department work teams.
  • Shared methodology for determining and setting goals for staff (whether project based or daily task based)
  • Development of KRA (Key results areas) and how to use KRA to drive continual work and feedback with staff.
  • Comprehension of Task Initiated Role Responsibilities (TIRR) and living examples of how they may function within the department.
Accountability for your work Create Learning Team Building and Leadership

Team Building & Leadership Agenda




Mike Cardus arrives for set up


Participants arrive and network


COO Opening Remarks – Why are we here? What are the expected outcomes (big picture) of this? Why now? How does this fit into the larger strategic goals?


Mike frames the day, and opens the discussion about our last meeting; What’s better? And how have you applied content from our last meeting into your work?

9:20-9:50 – mixed groups

Metaphorical Representation;

  • Each mixed team will have 10-20 cards with images on them. Each person will be asked to choose an image that represents their response to the above question. The mixed team will create some sort of shared visual representation.


Introduction to Stratified Systems Theory & Current-Applied-Capability

  • Interactive lecture format with discussions and challenges to the theory.



10:55-11:25 – Functional Teams

Poster Session – Chart the Matrix work flow diagram

  • Teams will be asked to draw the workflow how the departmental work matrix currently operates. Going from project beginning to end.
  • Highlighting the accountability of work and who is held accountable for whose work; what clarity of roles exist in the work and work handoffs; how the coordination of work and goals plus tasks that make up the goal are determined; plus when the project is complete what the reinforcement system for ‘lessons learned’ and ‘best practices’ looks like.


Informal Gallery Walk

  • Following the ‘Draw the Matrix’ time teams will hang their matrix on the wall.  Participants will have time to walk around explore and talk to each other in an informal ‘gallery walk’ atmosphere.

11:35-12:00 – Five Mixed Teams

Putting It all Together team building activity.  Looking at projects + handoffs + management + quality outcomes. Each team is supplied with the same resources and guidelines (pvc pipes and connectors). The teams will be split into 2 groups A & B. During the activity there will be one active and one passive team. Each will switch every 2 minutes.

  • Explores communication between project handoffs and work-flow.
  • Focuses on the need for shared goals and a common commitment to completion of that goal
  • Develops effective ideas for passing the work from one team to another during stressfully times
  • Is fun!




Accountability & Authority Exploration

People will get back into ‘Chart the Matrix’ teams. They will be asked to complete the following:

  • How as a team they defined accountability and authority.
  • Where within the matrix the accountability was placed for which part of the work.
  • What about the current matrix structure is working well enough, that it does not need changes.


Content Talk…

Accountability and Task-Initiated-Role-Responsibilities and Cross Functional Relationships… Interactive lecture format with discussions and challenges to the theory.



2:45-3:15 – Functional Teams

Looking at current and past team projects attempt to define and place each of the Task-Initiated Role-Responsibilities (TIRRs) into the accountability & authority of people on the team.

  • Prescribing relationship
  • Audit relationship
  • Coordinating relationship
  • Monitoring relationship
  • Service getting relationship
  • Advisory relationship
  • Collateral relationship

3:15-3:45 – mixed groups

Build a Tower Build a Teamteam-building activity

  • Fun and small competition
  • Application of TIRR into small groups
  • Team work and planning
  • Using thinking & skills learned from the day


Team & individual application of content & what was gained.  Plus what is needed in future sessions.


Next steps & scheduling of Leadership Coaching Sessions

For you Team Building nerds – What do you think of the agenda? What would you have done the same / different?

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