A friend contacted me to lead a team building program for an annual meeting. This meeting was to cover successes & challenges. He asked if I could develop a team building process that focused on:
- Increasing trust within the company. The company spans 3 states New York, Ohio, and Minnesota. Many people have never met face to face.
- Building upon the present success & resiliency of the team.
- Show in a hands-on pragmatic way that the team drives & makes change happen.
- Identify what was useful from the team building & how it can be applied to their work.
The day went well.
I was reminded that the easiest way to build a team is to let them be a team. Removing barriers & leaving people alone to come up with great ideas + supplying plenty of snacks.
How do you create a trust-attracting team with 50+ people from 3 states?
- Create shared experience;
- Ask questions;
- Respect their expert status;
- Lots of flip-chart paper & markers