Culture change from a focus on how people interact

What makes culture change in your company or team difficult? Is your current organizational culture – how do things get done around here? When I talk about culture change within a workplace, the best thinker to reference is Edgar Schein: “Schein’s model of organizational culture originated in the 1980s. Schein (2004) identifies three distinct levels in organizational cultures: … Continued

Change Through Seeing the Current Environment

In an earlier post on a framework for change, I shared that you are better off calling the work project management when you see change from an ideal endpoint. Change in workplaces rarely happens through force. You’ve seen that the harder leadership pushes, the more workarounds are developed. When change does stick, we tend to view it … Continued

The difference is where you find progress

When leaders notice what is different and are able to put difference to work they are noticing how change happens, where change matters and what difference it makes to the team.