I got to spend a day team building with Mon Yough Community Services (MYCS), outside of Pittsburgh PA.

At Mon Yough Community Services, each client we serve offers the promise of growth, healing and extraordinary optimism. We understand the challenges and triumphs our clients experience on the road to recovery. We’re here to celebrate their dreams and achievements, and never waver in the face of their adversities…to read more

MYCS   Create-Learning Team Building (2)

The team building program outcomes included;

  • Enhanced team-work in a fun and enjoyable atmosphere.
  • Enhanced trust of the new staff and the existing staff.
  • Creation of a shared communication structure aligning Goals, Roles and Procedures to allow for greater team and individual clarity on who does what when and how.
  • Improvements in the work that is currently being done.
  • Development of a collaborative / shared way to improve the existing client care and work within the facility.
  • Tie team and leadership actions to the Service Values of MYCS; Hope, Choice, Connection, Respect, Diversity, Partnering. http://mycs.org/viewcontent.asp?sectionID=35452&subsectionID=354456

MYCS   Create-Learning Team Building (18)

MYCS   Create-Learning Team Building (17)MYCS   Create-Learning Team Building (21)MYCS   Create-Learning Team Building (23)MYCS   Create-Learning Team Building (27)MYCS   Create-Learning Team Building (29)MYCS   Create-Learning Team Building (43)MYCS   Create-Learning Team Building (53)MYCS   Create-Learning Team Building (88)MYCS   Create-Learning Team Building (89)MYCS   Create-Learning Team Building (31)MYCS   Create-Learning Team Building (94)

Outcomes from Create-Learning Team Building:
  • Ability to identify and share leadership
  • Clarity of roles and responsibilities between team members
  • Appreciation and understanding of the diversity and strengths that each team member has
  • Ability to define, measure, and take action on goals and objectives
  • A decision making methodology that will work for the team
  • Creation and establishment of ground rules for team interaction
  • Flexibility, so that once maladaptive behaviors occur, the team is prepared to properly adjust, control and evolve while maintaining high trust, collaboration, focus and effectiveness
  • Ability to maximize team time together


Hire Create-Learning