“The team building session was an enormous hit. Mike did a fantastic job of bringing us through several exercises that helped reach our goals of enhancing team communication skills and strengthening individual relationships to improve our effectiveness to work together as a team.” – Verizon

Team work and Communication

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Team Work & Communication Workshop

Experiential team development and communication based simulations and discussions. Framed within the context of determining the current level of teamwork, trust and communication.

Finding where the team would like to be for improved performance, and create action plans to achieve improved trust and communication. Additionally effective skills in listening, team work and collaboration will be taught. Completing our time with action steps and a path for improvement.

  1. Have all team members working together to increase performance and productivity
  2. Decrease over-lapping work and unnecessary confusion to the customer, due to poor communication of the staff
  3. Increase the speed of work from sales to completed project by developing a work-communication system that crosses departments
  4. An unconventional (non-lecture based) organizational + staff development process.
  5. Develop a shared language for Team Performance, which can be examined to determine where the team currently is and how to be better.
  6. Create a shared communication structure aligning Goals, Roles and Procedures to allow for greater team and individual clarity on who does what when and how.
  7. Hire Create-Learning