Strategic re-focusing for boards Organization development by mike cardus

I was asked to guide a company and it’s board through a strategic re-focusing process. What is strategic re-focusing? I asked the same question. The company has a strategic plan and they were about 2 years into their plan. They were looking for a process to bring their goals and progress back into focus and assist them in planning the remaining time. We developed the agenda below.

Strategic Re-Focusing Retreat

  • When ::
  • Where ::
  • Who:: Board of Directors, Executive staff. Facilitator Mike C
  1. Cover successes and challenges of this year
  2. Re-focus the board
  3. Identify responses and progress clues for the following questions:
    1. What data and information does the board need to govern effectively?
    2. How will the board determine wise use of resources?
    3. How will the board measure and track board engagement and progress?
    4. What does a ‘shared visual’ board strategic-planning map look like?
Proposed agenda  
Time Action Team / Who responsible
745-800 Participants arrive, eat a light breakfast and network
800-815 Welcome. Overview and expectations of the day Mike
810-900 Participant discussions and sharing

What has to happen for today to be useful to the organization and you?

Random team / Mike
900-1000 Review 2015 successes and where org is now

Review 2015 board specific successes and where board is now

Board chair,  vice chair, CEO
1000-1200 BoD – what does success look like? How will we know? What does the board need?

BoD wil self-identify and join the following groups based upon the 2016 Board Manual

  1. How will we measure our success?
  2. How will we measure our objectives, phase 1, phase 2 and phase 3 goals?
  3. How are our regional partners better off from partnering with us? What evidence do we have to support our response?
Random / Mike
1230-130 What data/information does the board need to govern effectively?

Distinctive :: Working well :: 1year Better

2 teams of 5. 2 teams of 4 / Mike
130-230 How will the board determine wise use of resources?

Current Method Better Way

Remix teams.

2 teams of 5. 2 teams of 4 / Mike

230-330 How will the board measure and track board engagement and progress?

List the problem :: Draw the solution

Remix teams.

2 teams of 5. 2 teams of 4 / Mike

330-445 Next steps

Mike’s guess of next steps …

  1. Someone types up all the notes
  2. Sends notes to board with suggested tasks
  3. Board determines a time to meet and ideas, suggestions, updates
  4. Mike takes all feedback and develops a planning process for the board

Mike presents to the board his suggestions

  1. Board feedback
  2. Mike iterates as needed
  3.  Identify someone to head the planning and updates
  4. Mike offers support as needed

Data to show value – gathering & eval data process

All board/ Mike and Board Chair


Are you looking for something similar? Contact Mike to learn more.