Team Entanglement, the interactions are what makes progress
SOLVED solution-focused problem solving and leadership. Interaction increases psychological safety—questions to increase participation.
SOLVED solution-focused problem solving and leadership. Interaction increases psychological safety—questions to increase participation.
Leadership through harmonious wholes of people “doing what is right,” we remove disruption, variation, and change. Ethics of leadership
Company culture queries – discuss the boundaries and connections to know the work plus the work culture for feedback and change to happen.
Five whats and a how work with you and your team to move from root cause problem solving to solution-focused solution innovation.
5 whys for a root cause. 5 whats and how constructs an opportunity or growth of solutions and progress steps. Progress makes innovation
Using the NOISE analysis skill and talent development template will help you and your team improve performance and retention of talent
Change is happening, and you can better navigate and seek useful pieces by introducing randomness and choice into your day.
In place of empathy, accept the conversation as all there is, and there is nothing behind or beneath the conversation.
The miracle question doesn’t create a miracle or suspend belief. It identifies what differences happen when you see the solution and progress.
SOLVEDcards self-coaching to figure out your progress step is powerful. When you feel stuck, SOLVEDcards illuminate your next progress step.