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Project Rollerball
Success for one stage of the project means success for all, and conversely, failure for one means failure for all.
Internal and external customers will need to be dealt with effectively during all stages of the project as each team works in collaboration to deliver a final complex solution to the challenge at hand. Teams must plan and design their approach before executing the construction and testing of the working model of a complex device.
Can be facilitated indoors or outdoors for groups of 8-200+ people.
To win and keep business the teams must design and execute effectively as a team the solution to a complex challenge. The aim of the project is to deliver customer satisfaction and an excellent product in a profitable and sustainable way by being able to communicate and operate with flexibility across different functions and areas.
Key Learning Points / Messages
Cross functional working for team effectiveness, customer focus and satisfaction, overcoming task overload / activity trap, planning and prioritization, resource allocation, diversity and team roles, common focus, motivation, fun and networking, planning, individual and team execution, de-brief / process review skills, overcoming challenges / obstacles, managing change.
Hire us…to facilitate a process for your team.
Testimonial from Project Rollerball
“Create-Learning conducted the activity as part of a two-day company wide staff development meeting, with the company’s values of customer service and open communication were emphasized throughout. In one game, Project Rollerball, employees were divided into six functional team units to design and execute a solution to a business challenge. “The aim of the project is to deliver customer satisfaction and an excellent product in a profitable and sustainable way by being able to communicate and operate with flexibility across different functions and areas,” Sheridan says.
In debriefing the exercise, discussions of customer service and communication came up again and again. “It was a good reminder of some simple but easily forgotten principles,” Sheridan says. “I am sure there were some eye rolls but once we got started with the activities people had fun. During the debriefs, it was obvious that the objectives and lessons were understood by everyone. It was a good change of pace versus meetings and presentations and it got the points across.”