Presenting the image in a workshop today made me realize that it is still relevant.
- You (as an employee) are asked to do more.
- You (as a leader) are asked to do more.
- You (as a consumer) are asked to buy more.
- You (as a person) may feel more anonymous amongst increased information and pressure.
- You (as an employee) may feel and create a greater separation of YOUR relevance to the work you do, those you serve, and those who help you.
- You (as a person, employee, or manager) may have lost how to track success, and feel that it is subjective with no real impact or matter.
What can you do?
Below are 3 steps that seem obvious, and the challenge is, ARE YOU DOING THEM?
- Who are you? Knowing the people on your team. Knowing who YOU are. Take the time to discover values, passions, and motivations.
- Why are we doing this? Illustrate to yourself and the team whom they and you are serving and how the work helps the community and those other than themselves and management.
- How am I doing? Create immediately measurable goals and outputs of productivity for the team and yourself.
Great managerial leaders have excellent staff.
Excellent staff does excellent work.
Excellent work keeps people returning.
Returning people keep staff employed.
Employed staff deserve
- Managers who know them;
- Managers who can explain how what they do for work is relevant and aligned with personal goals and organizational priorities;
- A clear and distinct understanding of good and bad work that is not based upon management’s moods and subjective impressions.
image by mikecolvin82