I had the absolute pleasure of serving Gamma Phi Beta from the University of Rochester New York. These ladies were smart, fun, dedicated and focused.
I facilitated a get to know others, communication and trust building workshop for 3 hours. Developing skills in team building, effective listening & communication. With the outcomes of;
- People’s awareness of the team and their own preferred style for communication and information sharing.
- Getting to know others better.
- Developing techniques and tools to openly discuss best practices and methods for personal as well as advancement within Gamma Phi Beta.
- Strengthened bond and feeling of belonging of all Gamma Phi Beta Sisters.
- Personal accountability steps for each person to take for the betterment of Gamma Phi Beta.
Here are some images of our time together;
Opening with Gotchya! to develop an environment of inclusion and fun.
Social Network Un_Plugged. People found and created connections. Opening a discussion about sameness and why each woman chose to be part of Gamma Phi Beta. Understanding why each person is here, and knowing why the team is here now creates purpose; team identity; and membership.
Circles of Influence: The ladies were split into 3 separate departments.
Each department must acquire resources and capital for their department.
The people can choose to fight and steal internal resources and not dialog about an effective negotiation strategy or they can realize that they are one Organization and develop the most effective strategy for success.
Negotiation is an issue that needs a good activity for practice. This activity was designed to drop teams of people immediately in to a situation with many possible solutions and approaches. The perceived inequities and the time pressure create a rich arena for experience and discussion.
Processing Circles of Influence and determining how Gamma Phi Beta can share and ensure that the energy goes into the sisterhood as opposed to fighting amongst each other.
BRIGHT | BLURRY | BLIND…moving the team into high performance requires clear and distinct understanding, solutions and action plans. The sisters were split into small groups and asked to take part and share areas of success and how to continue with that success using Bright|Blurry|Blind.
Moving from team to individual responsibility in requisite in teambuilding. Each sister was asked to take a puzzle piece and create one action they can do starting now, for the betterment of Gamma Phi Beta.
And a fun team photo at the end!
To see all the photos click here…
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to facilitate your Sorority, Fraternity, Team.
michael cardus is create-learning