Leadership Behavior Change

Have you ever tried to change your leadership behavior? Have you ever received 360-Leadership feedback and attempted to make changes? I am not a fan of dramatic aha moments! I don’t believe that change happens by breaking out of your comfort zone or that you need some shock to your system for you to change. Most … Continued

Asking questions is a valuable leadership skill

Asking questions is a valuable leadership skill, and it trips you up. Some challenges that I’ve heard other leaders say about asking questions: What questions do I ask? I’m not sure that they are meaningful enough. But I know how to solve the problem – why wouldn’t I tell them what to do? I feel … Continued


Solution-Focused Leadership Coaching – Stop the why ‘Why’ is an instinctive question. Asked hundreds of times daily in organizations, much of it is helpful. It is essential to understand why a manufacturing process has failed, why a car broke down or why your fire alarm went off. It can be enlightening to see why people … Continued

Leadership Coaching questions to the manager

  Leadership coaching can have many areas of focus.   I feel a significant focus ought to be what the coachee’s direct manager wants to see different and how the manager will know that these differences have happened. You may choose not to involve the coachee’s immediate manager in the coaching; I think that is … Continued

SOLVED solution-focused coaching example

A client using the SOLVED solution-focused cards called me and had some questions. He was unsure how to use the cards in coaching himself through a challenge. That presented an opportunity for us to use the SOLVED coaching process and see what happens. The image above is the six SOLVED questions he randomly pulled, plus we … Continued

Leadership Coaching Process Current, Need to be, Next Step

A Leadership Coaching Process works when there is a combination of organizational support from management and peers, ensuring that you can learn and apply changes in an environment that welcome learning and change; competency and knowledge of the work you are accountable to complete; the value you place on the work, our coaching work together, … Continued

Team and leadership coaching questions

Leadership and Team Coaching sound nice until you have to put it into practice. I’ve developed a team and leadership coaching process called SOLVED.

You don’t need team building or leadership development

From our discussion I’m not sure what you need to do. I do know that team or leadership development is not what’s needed at this point. I have questions. From our discussion we may be better able to determine a progress step that may help.