I am right you are wrong can we have an open discussion

The issue starts when, for some crazy reason (which is not so crazy) we feel a need to prove that our view is the right one, while at the same time saying and truly believing you want to have an open discussion.

Company Teaches Flying Lessons to Caterpillars

Too often organizations try to push flying lessons to caterpillars.

I know some of you are thinking WHAT DOES THAT MEAN?

It means that what we are trying to do is far too advanced at that time, or the person is not ready to develop the skills yet. In reality they may never be able to master the skills you are trying to train and develop.

Thinking Thoughts Changes the thoughts you are thinking.

Every time you pull up a memory, feeling, thought, idea it is impacted by your current situation, experience and self. You can never keep that thought as pure as it was when you experienced it the first time. Because you can never be the same person you were when you experienced it.