Do something different

For an intervention to successfully fit, it is not necessary to have detailed knowledge of the complaint. It is not necessary even to be able to construct with any rigor how the trouble is maintained in order to prompt a solution. [ ] All that is necessary is that the person involved in a troublesome … Continued

The difference is where you find progress

When leaders notice what is different and are able to put difference to work they are noticing how change happens, where change matters and what difference it makes to the team.

Change through a small nudge

Using the current environment and resources as good enough (because the team / person created and works that environment) respects the interactive nature of work and may bring change about through a small nudge as opposed to a prescriptive yank.

Finding Solutions What difference will it make to them–Skeleton Keys

When a significant other is part of the complaint shifting perspective to understand how the difference will impact them may cause a shift in pattern. Identifying how the difference will change their reaction allows a focus on external as opposed to internal change.

Finding Solutions with Minimal Change–Skeleton Keys

Minimal Change: Working together to create, notice, identify, assist in making the slightest change in the persons actions and perception. Once minimal change happens it may be the crack in the wall to create more change.