I haven’t shared a Team Building Agenda Template in a while, so below is a program created for ~50 Campus Living College Staff, varying from Executive Directors to Managers to Student Life Staff.
The format is effective for a 3-hour program, and this client wanted new people in every activity.
Proposed Agenda Campus Living Staff
- Have fun!
- Get the staff familiar with each other in an enjoyable atmosphere
- Break boundaries between management and staff to bring out everyone’s best work.
- Team Building – in the sense of how the work gets done and how each person has to be accountable and have the necessary authority to complete their work while understanding that a larger goal/process needs to be focused on.
- Skill development in planning, problem-solving, innovation, and decision making.
Detailed Agenda
7:00 – 8:30 Create-Learning staff set-up and preparation.
8:30 – 9:00 Networking and hellos with participants and Create-Learning.
9:00 – 9:20 FULL GROUP: Opening activity (could be anything from Gotcha to What I Like).
9:20 – 9:30 Card groupings
- Each participant had a playing card with numbers, colored stickers, and various symbols representing which group they started. Then we mixed and created new groups for each of the following three activities to ensure participants were with new people each round and involved in a different simulation each round.
- There were three facilitators, and the small teams rotated to a facilitator located in a certain area. We tried our best to mix the teams and facilitators, so each round had different teams and facilitators. Each round (A, B, C) lasted around 30 minutes, allowing about10 minutes for people to find new groups and facilitators. Each facilitator-led three different activities at their station.
Facilitator Station ‘A’ Activities
- Noodle Press – Learn names and talents that others possess, introduction to listening for understanding, and creative use of existing resources.
- Hoopdom – Delegation of tasks and asking questions for understanding and planning vs. doing.
- Zoom – Planning and learning what and how much information to communicate, handling stressful and challenging situations, and exploring how your work fits into the larger context of the organization.
Facilitator Station ‘B’ Activities
- Trust Trap Sequence – Focus on learning more about others, listening and speaking for clarity and understanding, and necessary trust in taking directions and asking questions to clarify directions.
- Speed Trap Relay – Understanding various roles and how they fit together, collaboration to achieve a shared goal, dealing with others, and your own fear and discomfort.
- Entrapment – Planning to action and the challenges that arise, developing trust, and clarifying roles and responsibilities.
Facilitator ‘C’ Activities
- I2U2ME2WE – Learn others’ names and talents, find common reasons for being on the same team and working for the same company.
- Crossing Over – Improvement upon existing resources, shared leadership, and encouraging ideas from others.
- Change up – Dealing with and quickly adjusting to change, learning from experience and applying that knowledge to new situations, and innovative thinking while remaining within strictly set boundaries and rules.
11:30 – 12:00 ALL GROUP
Campus Living Community Puzzle OR Circles of Influence.
Community Puzzle: Each participant was supplied with a blank piece of a large jigsaw puzzle and asked to draw an image representing the talents and skills they bring to the organization. Then the puzzle was assembled, and we hosted a closing discussion about the need to do your best work and work together continually.
Circles of Influence: Campus Living Staff was broken into their work groups (meaning the staff and manager they would be working with for the academic year). Each workgroup is physically separate from all the others. Additionally, there was a “resource area” with various resources that each workgroup will need. The Campus Living Workgroups were instructed to determine the best way to use, allocate, and share (or NOT share) these resources.
Eventually ending the time in:
- Defeat: Win-Lose, “My team will win at the expense of others.”
- Collaborate: Win-Win “We can all truly gain if we work together.”
- Accommodate: Lose-Win “It’s not worth the fighting; take what you want.”
- Withdraw: Inactive Lose-Lose “This is getting us nowhere. Let’s all just quit and do something else.”
- Compromise: Active Lose-Lose “Let’s split the resources so that everyone gets an equal share.”
12:00 Completion
- In a guided discussion and application to Campus Living Work.
12:30 Lunch and cleanup.
For you Team building nerds – What do you think of this team building agenda? What would you have changed?