I am working on an e-book and facilitation manual for DiSC Team Building & Facilitation… and this post is not about that as much as it is about my procrastination and creative blockage. If you want to be in the know about this up-coming e-book and training manual Join the Create-Learning List.
Today is the day I blocked out to brain-storm and chalk work (I have a chalk-board in my office) the content for this project. Then about 25 minutes into starring blankly at my chalk-board and checking facebook & twitter (like some unseen inspiration is going appear) I know what I need to do.
- Stop
- Slow Down
- Focus
- Drink Some Water
- Pace the Rocks…
In 2006 I was researching Reflexology Paths and built one at a corporate conference center where I was the Team Building Director. The one I built for the conference center was made out of smooth river stone and cement, plus is stationary. While researching I purchased a portable reflexology mat because in the need to better understand the process.
When I left my old employer the portable path came with me, and has served an my calming, thought provoking, idea generation, slowing down – best practice.
The process worked! 45 minutes of walking on the rocks, drinking water, and listing ideas on the chalk board…the process is mapped out and now I have the ideas and table of contents developed.
- What do you do to break procrastination?
- Are there any methods that are unusual you use?
- Do you enjoy walking barefoot on rocks?
Here are some images;
michael cardus is create-learning