8 Variations of Infinite Loops
Takes a fresh and creative approach to a common teambuilding activity. Each variation can be used as a stand-alone or sequenced into an experiential learning and teambuilding program. These variations all focus on creating better teams working together to solve problems and innovate solutions.
Here is one variation ‘Partner Separation,” which is the Team Building Activity that sparked the variations…for ALL 8, and they are excellent. You can purchase the entire Team Building Book.
To Purchase the Paperback for $10.00 – CLICK HERE
What others have said
“I admit it. I’m a big fan of the work Michael Cardus does with teams. I like what he does and how he does it. Michael is able to use simple activities to help individuals and groups make profound shifts. Case in point: Michael’s new e-book “8 Variations of Infinite Loops” provides you with a simple team-building activity that you can now use to help the groups you serve learn powerful leadership lessons. The “Infinite Loops” game is a tried and true activity for a reason, but oddly, few know how to get the most out of the activity – – luckily, Michael does. The variations he shares are wonderful, and best of all, Michael provides detailed debriefing (processing) strategies which are so important. Thank you, Michael!”
– Tom Heck of the International Association of Team Work facilitators (IATF)