Note differences between what happens when any exceptions occur and what happens when the complaint is happens. Promote the exceptions – Steve de Shazer. Clues
Finding exceptions is innovation. We’ve heard the progress killer: “We’ve always done it that way.” Yet, when you explore how people think they’ve always done it … they have evolved and changed how it is done over many years.
Exceptions are what organization development and leadership development create:
When working with an organization, team, leader they have problems. If there were no problems they wouldn’t need your help. The areas that are focused on are:
When the complaint happens. Asking for details the what, where, when, how of the complaint.
Times the complaint does nothappen. When the person is in a similar enough situation and the complaint does not occur.
Looking to notice the exception times the complaint does not happen is developing a process and practice of reinforcing what works.
This is often overlooked and not noticed. Making the things that are not noticed, noticeable creates a deviation from the norm for the change.