Email opportunities and challenges

 Every interaction with others in your organization is an opportunity to increase or decrease support for your work and intended outcomes.

Teamwork and Communication Workshop

Experiential team development and communication based simulations and discussions. Framed within the context of determining the current level of teamwork, trust and communication.

You see it different tell me more about that?

Other people are entitled to their beliefs, opinions, ideas, etc.. even if they are wrong. And they don’t want to enter into a challenging discussion to discover new intellect or ideas.

I am sure that you have been there (on either end) it generally ends in someone being called an ASSHOLE and hurt or ruined friendships, relationship, etc…

Communication Loops and Red Tape Worms

* Keep communication simple and with the Manager / Subordinate that have a reciprocal relationship of accountability and authority.
* A manager must be able to add value to the work of immediate subordinates.
* Innovation happens when people can work on tasks with quick and easy feedback from their direct manager.

Corporate Team Building Success Story

LARGE GROUP CORPORATE TEAM BUILDING   Create-Learning developed an off-site team building retreat for a state-wide company. The group consisted of 117 people from Buffalo, Syracuse, Albany and New York City, New York. Existing work teams were undergoing a restructuring and work was being allocated in new and different ways. The changes taking place within … Continued