Falling from Big Enough to Too Small in competence for the role

The most frightening thing about having a manager that is “Too small” and creates under-performance and dis-engagement is the gradual reduction in level of competence of the subordinate team, which creates broad departmental under-performance and increased dis-engagement. The department begins to sink in scale, matching the competence of its manager.

Strategy for Leadership Development

Effective leadership development is too important for the present and future success of a business to be left to the human resources department. It is a core activity to grow leaders.

Manager you are NOT a Mind-Reader

Stop the madness! As a manager / team leader you are paid to do everything possible to help employees be as successful as they need to be.
Believing that you are successful and you know what others are thinking is self-destructive behavior.

7 Principles of Leadership Development Managers as Mentors

Developing a mentoring process with existing managers is a way to create discussion a shared language of work between the leaders being developed and those that are already doing the work. Bringing the leadership development to a pragmatic level placing the focus on what matters; Seeing the work get done and having the opportunity to ask questions, and have someone with skilled-knowledge answer those questions.

Selection of Leaders

Selection of leaders using complexity thinking, motivation, and development of current into future skills.

Quick fixes are making your team’s problem worse

Continually I see ideas hap-hazardly put into organizational practice and managerial-leadership ONLY making matters worse. Leading to Executives, Human Resources and team leaders grasping at the ‘Next Thing’ in order to cut the down on the felt mounting bureaucracy and dis-trust within the organization and team.