Innovation from personal mastery

At any given moment all of us, whether in work, personal relationships, or anywhere else in life, are Rote Copying, Surface Understanding, and Personally Mastering many things and many times at many levels.

Long Term Implementation of Quality Teams Within Organizations

Slides from a workshop and consultation program on creating an organizational culture that focuses on quality improvement and quality teams.
Whether you use Lean Six Sigma within your organization or not, this content will prove valuable to you

Quality Team and Leadership Development

Systems-drive-behavior and there is no special ‘leadership personality’ … Within any team when someone is great at their role people see them as a leader.
Competence = Comfort = Observed Leadership Behaviors

How might we create a shared understanding of outcomes?

How might we create a shared understanding of the required outcomes? It helps to work with the line leaders usually process holders to determine what the improvement through training, process improvement, etc… might be and how together we can measure the business case and the impact on performance.

5 Ways to Avoid Group Think

Group-Think: over time, a set of individuals working on a project will tend to think the same way, believe the same conclusions and results. This group mindset leads to psychological inertia, as new members are introduced instead of pursuing new ideas provided by “a fresh pair of eyes” the group tries to assimilate new members to existing thinking.

What are you looking at?

Using this video to illustrate two concepts;

The need and use of Gemba: solving problems in the location of the problem by the people who have first hand experience with the problem.
The systemic nature of Organizations and team: By changing one thing other parts of the system/process are changed that we may not notice.