Complexity and Quality: Using the most appropriate problem-solving process

I shared some learning on problem-solving and complexity vs ordered change with the Buffalo ASQ Chapter. Effective leaders understand that problem solving is not a “one-size-fits-all” process. They know that their actions depend on the situation, and they make better decisions by adapting their approach to changing circumstances. How do you know which approach you … Continued

Problem-solving when you do not know the root cause

In earlier posts, I shared some steps for identifying the problem using creative problem-solving through exploring the current condition selecting a type of problem, Problem-solving is systematic and organized into six stages: Identify the problem Select the type of problem Apply the analytical tools Define a specific problem Apply solutions tools Compile ideas and implement solutions Step … Continued

Innovation by understanding the current situation

In an earlier post, I shared some steps for identifying the problem using creative problem solving or the Leading Innovation process. I often use this systemic problem-solving process to fight the team and leaders’ desire to brainstorm. Brainstorming is usually carried out in a group situation, with each group member suggesting ideas in sequence without … Continued

Finding what works to amplify

Finding what works to amplify Often on Sunday, I am a little overwhelmed with the weekend, and the work week starts. While going through my plans I felt a bit stuck, do you ever think that way? Testing the SOLVED Cards process and enjoying the tangible feeling of coaching questions cards, I pulled these 6 … Continued

Problem Solving Stop the why

The ‘5 Whys’ can be useful. Identifying the possible root cause can get things started…the next logical step to create a solutions bank.
I have found that it is easier and people on the team move with greater enthusiasm and collaboration when you ‘Start With What’ and determine the solution in the first step.

The difference is where you find progress

When leaders notice what is different and are able to put difference to work they are noticing how change happens, where change matters and what difference it makes to the team.