Find what works and do more of that

Your team gets better when you slightly reframe a shared challenge. The challenges do not go away, and you find different perspectives to make progress.

solution-focused coaching finding what works video

I had the honor of sharing the SOLVEDmethod solution-focused team and leadership coaching with ATD Buffalo Niagara,  above is an excellent video they made from our time. What Is SOLVED? SOLVED is an acronym for a process of solution-finding. While using the cards, you can choose to use them in the SOLVED order – initially suggested – … Continued

Finding what works to amplify

Finding what works to amplify Often on Sunday, I am a little overwhelmed with the weekend, and the work week starts. While going through my plans I felt a bit stuck, do you ever think that way? Testing the SOLVED Cards process and enjoying the tangible feeling of coaching questions cards, I pulled these 6 … Continued

SOLVED is a process for progress – you are the person who makes progress

Recently someone asked me what theories or concepts are the foundations of my work. This made me think, and slightly concerned. I do not enjoy being too deeply enamored with an organization development, leadership, or team development theory because that may blind me to other and better ideas that I have not yet discovered, and … Continued

6 Steps to Turn a Problem Into a Solution

Often when we encounter a problem we think we need to discover the “why”. We need to dig and chase and determine just “why we have this problem?”
Chasing the why does not create a solution
Here are 6 steps to turn a problem into a solutions.

Finding Solutions Through Past Successes–Skeleton Keys

Past Successes: Asking the person / team to look into their past and identify successes. These successes may be work related and / or personal. By finding how, when, what happened, the steps that took place, and how they are in the present may help the person / team identify what worked in the past and use that knowledge in the present.

Finding Solutions by Doing More of the Problem – Skeleton Keys

Symptom Prescription: Asking the person / team to purposefully do more of the problem / complaint. This is done in the belief that by doing more of the complaint, purposefully, the person may do or notice something useful or break the pattern they feel they are stuck in.