Results without a process are luck. Process without results is waste. How are your processes driving the goals you work to achieve?

The need to have people gain value through working to achieve goals instead of completing the goal itself may nudge change and innovation.

The goal is not and should not be ignored. The challenge is that the processes used to achieve the goal must be evaluated to ensure you are working to achieve the goal.

The Exponent Leadership Development and Project Management Processes focus on developing a series of repeatable processes and steps that can be tested, evaluated, changed, reworked, and celebrated.

Process and Results for team building and leadership development

I created this chart above to examine and make some sense of what happens when we achieve the following:

Results Without A Known Process
  • LUCKsomehow, we got lucky and achieved the needed results. The chance of the luck lasting is relatively small. The likelihood of sliding into Death & Stagnation is relatively high.
Known Process Without Results
  • WASTEthe process and process knowledge are strong, although we are not achieving the results…this is waste.
No Results With No Known Process
  • DEATH & STAGNATIONnothing is happening, and the people + teams are scrambling, producing frustration and confusion.
Results With A Known Process
  • GROWTH & LEARNING – the process is continually tested (continuous improvement)  to ensure alignment with the goals…as well as the goals being evaluated to ensure the processes are achieving the goals.