Observation and variations of the miracle question for innovation
The miracle question doesn’t create a miracle or suspend belief. It identifies what differences happen when you see the solution and progress.
The miracle question doesn’t create a miracle or suspend belief. It identifies what differences happen when you see the solution and progress.
SOLVEDcards self-coaching to figure out your progress step is powerful. When you feel stuck, SOLVEDcards illuminate your next progress step.
Employee experience is easy to gather, make sense of, and understand. Challenges are asking, listening, then doing something with responses.
Once the problem becomes a description of the solution. The problem maintenance ends, and the exception amplification begins.
Resilience & bounding back quickly isn’t what’s needed now. What’s useful now are connections & robust networks to help our community.
The solution-focused framework for change happens when we view change as a constant and not a stable-static reality. Improve your change odds
Patterns and having a method to look for, understand, document, and share are how sense-making and navigating complexity happens.
Feelings questions are not enough to identify patterns of progress. What pleased you about how you handled that? Patterns to support change.
Leadership isn’t easy — And most of the conventional wisdom about leadership is downright wrong at best and business-destroying at worst
Constructing daily habits to understand what needs to be done and how to achieve it will improve your ability to make change.