Managerial-Leadership is a Social Exchange Relationship

It is not just a matter the manager’s saying ‘Do this it’s what you’re paid for!’; it is requisitely a matter of saying, ‘I want this task done and I am assigning it to you; I am accountable for assessing the outcome.

Delegation Setting the foundation of what is expected

When you have set the foundation and are sure that the delegation is appropriate and you are able to see how this delegation assignment is meant to increase your managerial-leadership leverage AND develop the employee WHILE freeing up time for the discretionary areas of judgment…then the solution to effective delegation happens.

Trust, Management, Complexity, Organization Development and Team Building…Charts

Examining and learning how to develop functional organizational systems that attract trust; peoples ability to work with complexity; teams to function and be productive keeping people engaged and wanting to continue to do great work and stay on that team; plus allowing and placing managers in the position of truly adding value to employees, teams, and the organizations…is what will drive continued success for years to come.

Too Close? Too Far? Just Right? Matching the Manager-Employee Capacity

A persons behaviors can become extreme as a sign of an inept manager-employee situation. As a manager you must have the capacity to complete the required responsibilities, if your capacity is lacking then effective management cannot take place.

There is one condition that I consider to be more important than the rest, and it is the foundation of “People join companies and leave managers.”
Optimum Manager-Subordinate Distance.

Perhaps Your Manager is a Psychopath

Perhaps it is my journey to understand what makes people do what they do, and why people at work on teams, managing others, taking direction from others, or just being together can be pulled into situations where they act irrationally.

Capitalism, at its most remorseless, is a physical manifestation of psychopathy.

Minimum Authority of Managerial-Leaders

Below are 4 Minimum authorities that every manager must have in order to be an effective and trustworthy managerial leader. Each has a short video and written explanation of why the authority is necessary and how can make your team and leadership better.

Context of the Work Matters

Context sharing of the manager, manager’s manager and so on…is sharing the frame of reference with the person being delegated the task. By setting this frame of reference it allows people to see how their work fits into the bigger picture.