Role of team leader – Getting the team stated

By having the – Getting the team started Checklists – this freed up the creative energy for the team leaders to improve the teamwork and system for how they work together.

Team Building Stakeholder Analysis

image credit Project Stakeholder Plan Having a project stakeholder plan ensures that you will approach the influence part of your project with as much organization and attention as possible. Time invested early in stakeholder planning can save you countless hours of dealing with resistance, redoing work, missing targets, etc. WHAT TO DO: Use the worksheet … Continued

Psychological Safety is Team Building

The team leader is accountable for establishing comfort with the work and team members. They can establish this early by setting the following conditions for team members to feel comfort in the work and reciprocal helping relationship of the team.

VUCA workplaces purpose is the sun

VUCA workplaces focus on purpose to connect and focus on processes shaping results. With purpose, a VUCA work system has guidelines to feel

How do we fix a morale problem?

Because of this new knowledge of customers, systems, and steps for improvement, the company and people made improvements on problems that existed for decades. This progress and shared purpose led to excitement, more progress, and pride in their work … causing the morale problem to dissipate.