Team Building Processing Tool STAR Method

The STAR method is a behavioral interviewing method that organizations use to explore predictors of performance.

This STAR method can also be used for processing (de-briefing) a team building and training simulation.

You see it different tell me more about that?

Other people are entitled to their beliefs, opinions, ideas, etc.. even if they are wrong. And they don’t want to enter into a challenging discussion to discover new intellect or ideas.

I am sure that you have been there (on either end) it generally ends in someone being called an ASSHOLE and hurt or ruined friendships, relationship, etc…

Goal Setting For Performance 2 Integral Elements

Goal Setting falls into the ‘easy ain’t always simple’ category. Many goals are just done horribly. And everything we do as people, managers and organizations stems from goal driven behavior. In this video Mike Cardus shares two necessary parts of a goal.

Management Problems are Solved Through Goal Setting

With a specific Goal – defined as a what by when. Work Gets Done
Goals define Values
Goals define Motivation
Goals define What Gets Done
When goals are set organizationally and personally you must decide and define the problem being faced, No problems = No Goals.

Once the problem is defined you must decide if you value the goal and solution. Values stem from your motivation and choice to accept the challenge or not; Every Goal you make will be in-line with your values and commitments. Once you value the the goal you will find requisite motivation to accomplish it.

Archimedes Principle of Marketing Management

Archimedes Principle of Marketing Management:
Any Marketing strategy will move to a level which coincides with the level of applied capability of the of the person running the campaign.
Within all project goals for organizations whether it is marketing, client acquisition, increased profits the person who is in charge and accountable for the success / failure of the project MUST have the intelligence and capacity to achieve the goal.

10 Sins of The Facilitator

We have all been guilty of one or more of these. Facilitation is a skill that takes knowledge, practice and patience.

5 Steps to Critical Thinking

When you are presented with a claim, piece of evidence, a process, organizational system really anything that YOU as a manager and a person who makes decisions at work has to explore + think about and decide. Walk through these 5 steps;

Interpersonal Hiring Questions?

I have been helping businesses with their interview and hiring process. Creating role descriptions and exactly what competencies a candidate must have in order to be successful in the job.