Does leadership development need boundaries?

“Don’t ever criticize a manager for not being a leader if no one has ever told them their role. Rather criticize the inept organization that appointed them.” – John Adair Does leadership development need boundaries, or does it just happen organically within the organization? This question made me flounder for a bit due to my … Continued

Within Work Nothing Happens All The Time There Are Exceptions

It has happened to all of us, someone at work (your manager, coworker, subordinate, peer, vendor, customer, etc…) pisses you off and you go off an angry tirade about how resistant and uncooperative they are.
On and on and on.
While these statements may be true, they are not really useful in creating any solutions and changes to getting your work done.

What are the Purposes of Managerial Coaching?

A Manager providing Coaching & Feedback to subordinates is a necessary activity in EVERY MANAGER’S day. The role of a manager is to add value to the decision making and judgment of the people they manage. As employees and Managerial Leaders, we all agree that Coaching is important. BUT the understanding and purpose of Why coaching is important is unclear and not well known by everyone.

What is the 1st action you can take?

In Leadership Coaching and when I am trying to work out solutions and success of my own, I use a scaling method learned from Solutions Focused Coaching.

Photo Inquiry Friday: Your Not My Boss.

When creating mixed project teams with people who report to different supervisors. Who is the direct supervisor when these mixed groups are on a team? For example; Mike works for Celia in Alpha house. Celia is Mike’s direct manager. Gail works for Antoine in Omega house. Antoine is Gail’s direct manager. Both Antoine and Gail … Continued

You are only as good as your training.

Once you discover ways to develop teams, properly match others and your capacity with skills and values + commitments – then you are ready for leadership.

Positive Illusion an Elbow to the Crotch of Your Dogmatic Leadership and Team Building

Positive illusions are unrealistically favorable attitudes that people have towards themselves.
The belief that empirical evidence to the contrary shown to you, you will not believe it. Positive illusions that you hold are like the image above. Even when you accept that you may be wrong about how great a leader you are, about what an amazing team member you are. The illusion of your awesomeness continues to move within you mind. Spinning through false necessity to hold this positive illusion.
Of-course you create positive illusions YOU define the criteria of what you are judged against.

Leadership Development Process, a Success Story!

Just concluded facilitating a 6 month Leadership development process with Autistic Services, inc. We embarked on a personal and skill based leadership journey. Within the process the Leaders reflected upon their behaviors and developed techniques to adjust their leadership style based upon what team they are a part of and whom they are leading. Skills … Continued