Leadership Layers – How work gets done

I’m working with two clients through an acquisition of another organization. With the acquisition of talent and organizations, it can prove challenging when there are multiple leadership layers and no clear understanding of the value of each managerial layer, poorly understood boundaries of goal-setting and no agreement on how the organization promotes and supports people. … Continued

You may be the incompetent manager

You may be the person who is unable to handle the complexity of your role. Pointing up or down the hierarchy is easy. It is challenging to see the mess you created within your team.

A system that works to drive out fear to attract trust will see growth and financial gains

When an organization is developed & designed for learning. Mangers are “Big Enough”, people work to their full capacity within a system that is actually built upon innovation, autonomy, idea generation, learning teams, & continuous growth. A system that works to drive out fear – to attract trust, we can see rapid growth & financial gains.

Performance Without Appraisal

The elimination of the painful yearly charade of sitting with your manager taking 15 minutes to agree on what was your fault and agree on what ‘Exceeded Expectations’ vs. ‘Below Expectations’ – is a left over practice that is only culturally accepted as “this is how we have always done things”

How to Determine the Basics of the Company and Your work

Organization Design is the foundation of the company and how you operate day to day to accomplish work. With pressure the foundational cracks become more apparent and enlarge. Leaving everyone to do the best they can while their work and capacity to improve the company is crumbling around them.

Trust Attracting or Trust Repelling Workplaces

Can a hierarchical organization with Manager / Subordinate relationships increase and attract trust? Can individuals be free in a system like this? Are justice, fairness and equity false assumptions within hierarchies? Isn’t authority the same as authoritarianism and autocracy; which repel trust for the sake of those in power?