Managerial-Leadership Case Study Contextual Goals Matter

If the goals are too small people feel micromanaged. If the goals are too large people are lost and unsure what to do, macromanaged.

Properly delegated Contextual Goals are Goldilocks Goals…They cannot be too big or too small. They are just right, and matched to the person.

6 Questions to Define a Teams Purpose

A team can be effective only if the teams purpose is important to the organization. When a team’s purpose isn’t important, the team members have little commitment.

People are Goal-Directed: That is Autonomy

The experience of the future ( when / if the goal is achieved ) is an experience in the present of something lacking, missing, of something to happen or wanted, BUT mainly something to be worked for.

Establishing the Goal is NOT Enough

Many times planning stops at Goal-Setting. Then managers are surprised when (if) the goal is completed it is late, over budget, below quality and the people fight the entire process. Roles (who will do what) and Procedures (how the work will get done) are necessary steps in the Goal Achievement Process. Ignore these steps at your own management peril!

Goal Setting For Performance 2 Integral Elements

Goal Setting falls into the ‘easy ain’t always simple’ category. Many goals are just done horribly. And everything we do as people, managers and organizations stems from goal driven behavior. In this video Mike Cardus shares two necessary parts of a goal.

How Far Can You Plan Into the Future?

All goals are time driven – whether we announce the time-frame or not ALL GOALS ARE TIME DRIVEN. As a Manager setting goals “What-by-When” is how you add value to those who work with you. As an employee completing goals “What-by-When” and setting goals for ourselves are what adds value to those who work with us. Determining your own & others time-span to complete a goal will make your work more fulfilling and innovative.

Deadlines are Being Missed? Return to the Goals of the Project

Building and Sustaining a team is a requirement of every manager, whether you are a shift manager at a grocery store or a Chief Executive of a bank, the process of building and sustaining an effective team of subordinates is necessary. When consulting & coaching managers one common complaint is Missed Deadlines. In the Developing … Continued